Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Do you believe in miracles?  I certainly do!  I believe that prayers are answered, not always the way we want or expect, but they are answered.  I believe that angels are close, and not just the unseen ones.  I believe that people all around us are inspired to help, encourage, protect, and love us.  Most people may not even know that they have been the answer to our prayers and we may not know all the times when we have answered someone else's prayer.  I know that sometimes I don't recognize the miracle until I look back on it--sometimes years later.  I hope that I can be more aware of the miracles that happen every day, and not just the ones that scream "THAT was a miracle!" I've had quite a few miracles happen in the last few days, and maybe one day I will share them, but for now, I'm just so thankful for the people in my life (and some complete strangers) who have been a part of my miracles!
